Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


Vous êtes actuellement connecté au site web officiel de :

  • Bénédicte de Frondeville
  • N° identifiant SIRET 42498087800039
  • Email :
  • Number of TVA intracommunity : FR60424980878
  • Responsible for the publication of the site Bénédicte de Frondeville
  • Website hosting is supported by the company PRO OVH


We cannot be held responsible for any damages resulting from the use of our site, whatever the cause; in particular, we cannot be held responsible for alteration or fraudulent access to data and / or accidental transmission through the virus service.

Likewise, we cannot be held liable for facts due to force majeure, breakdowns and technical problems concerning the hardware, programs and software or the Internet network which may, if necessary, lead to suspension or termination. of service.


All the elements (texts, logos, images, sound elements, software, icons, layout, graphic charter, database, etc.) contained in the site are protected by national / international intellectual property law. These elements are the exclusive property of Bénédicte de Frondeville and its partners.

As such, except with the prior written authorization of the rights holder, any reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation and / or partial or complete transformation of any element making up the site or any transfer to another website of any element making up the site is prohibited.

Failure to comply with this prohibition may constitute an act of counterfeiting and / or unfair competition involving your civil and / or criminal liability.


Bénédicte de Frondeville undertakes, within the framework of its activities and in accordance with the legislation in force, to protect the privacy of its Internet users, by ensuring the protection, confidentiality and security of personal data collected on its site.


The personal data requested on the site are intended exclusively for our services and in no case will be transmitted to third parties.

We use this information to maintain and update our customer files.


We guarantee to users that any processing of personal data on our site is subject to law n ° 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms (known as the « Informatique et Libertés » law) and that they have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning them.


Bénédicte de Frondeville is the sole recipient of the data collected.

Bénédicte de Frondeville  transmits your personal data to a third party only :
– When you have given us your prior consent to share this information (for example for a special promotional event).

– When you have given us your prior consent to share this information (for example for a special promotional event).

– When Bénédicte de Frondeville must share this information with its distributors, service providers (such as Paypal / Braintree Payments) and in particular its technical service providers to provide you with the service you have requested (transport company for example).

– When Bénédicte de Frondeville receives a request from a judicial authority or any administrative authority empowered by law requesting the communication of this information in accordance with the legislative provisions in force.

Bénédicte de Frondeville makes its best efforts to ensure the confidentiality and security of the personal data collected during their transmission to the aforementioned persons.



This section is dedicated to our privacy protection policy. It allows you to find out more about the origin and use of navigation information processed when you visit our website and about your rights. This policy is therefore important for you, who wish to have a positive and confident experience of our services and for us, who wish to answer precisely and completely to your questions about your consultation of our site and take your wishes into account. When consulting our site, information relating to the navigation of your computer on our site may be recorded by programs, in particular in so-called « cookie » files installed on your computer, subject, of course, to choices that you would have expressed and that you can modify at any time.


When consulting a website, a website editor, such as Bénédicte de Frondeville , may be required, subject to your choices, to place on your computer, using your browser software, a text file. This text file is a cookie. It will allow Bénédicte de Frondeville , during the period of validity or storage of the cookie, to identify your computer during your next visits. Partners or service providers of Bénédicte de Frondeville , or third-party companies, may also be required, subject to your choices, to place cookies on your computer.


Cookies are essential for browsing our site, in particular for the proper execution of the ordering process; Only the issuer of a cookie is likely to read or modify the information contained in this cookie. Below you will find information about the cookies that may be placed on your computer when you visit pages of the Bénédicte de Frondeville site, as well as the means by which you can delete / refuse the registration of these cookies on your computer.


Thanks to the settings of your browser software, you can, at any time, simply and free of charge, choose whether or not to accept the storage of cookies on your computer. You can configure your browser software as you wish, so that cookies are (a) accepted and saved on your computer or, on the contrary, (b) so that they are refused.

  1. THE COOKIES AGREEMENT If your browser software is set to accept the storage of cookies on your computer, the cookies embedded in the pages and content you have viewed will be systematically saved on your computer.

The refusal of cookies

You can configure your browser software to:

  • that the acceptance or refusal of cookies are offered to you from time to time, before a cookie is likely to be recorded;
  • to systematically refuse the recording of cookies in your computer.

Warning: Any setting that you can make on your browser software concerning the acceptance or refusal of cookies will likely modify your Internet browsing and your conditions of access to certain services requiring the use of these same cookies.

For example, by refusing certain cookies you risk not being able to navigate correctly on our site. If you choose to refuse the recording of cookies on your computer or if you delete those which are recorded there, we decline all responsibility for the consequences related to the degraded functioning of our services resulting from the impossibility for us to record or consult the cookies necessary for their operation and which you have refused or deleted.

How to exercise your choices, depending on the browser you use?

The configuration of each navigation software is different. It is generally described in the help menu of your browser software. We therefore invite you to read it. You will thus be able to know how to modify your preferences in terms of cookies.

You will find additional information on cookies by clicking on the following link


Bénédicte de Frondeville is committed to implementing security measures appropriate to the sensitivity of personal data to protect it from malicious intrusion, loss, alteration or disclosure to unauthorized third parties.

As all personal data is confidential, access to it is limited to employees of  Bénédicte de Frondeville, or service providers acting on behalf of  Bénédicte de Frondeville, who require it in the performance of their duties. All persons with access to your data are bound by a duty of confidentiality and may be subject to disciplinary action and/or other sanctions if they fail to comply with these obligations.

However, it is important that you exercise caution to prevent unauthorized access to your personal data and protect yourself from unwanted access to your password and computer. If you share a computer, you must log out after each use.



« »Personal Account »: means the individual account opened by a User on Bénédicte de Frondeville by providing his or her first and last name and e-mail and choosing a password.
Site » or « Website »: means the interactive electronic service published and operated by the Company, accessible in particular at Bénédicte de Frondeville  from which it allows access to its Products and Services.
« User »: means any natural person who accesses the Website for strictly private use.

Bénédicte de Frondeville committed to strict compliance with the legislation in force concerning the respect of the privacy of the users of its Website, and has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) for this purpose.
Thus Bénédicte de Frondeville  has made the designation of its DPO with the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés, and keeps in accordance with the legislation in force an updated register of the treatments implemented as well as the realization of the formalities relating to the collection and processing of personal data under this website.



Bénédicte de Frondeville, in its capacity as data controller, implements personal data processing for the management of its relations with its customers. This processing is made necessary for the use and management of the various information forms and is based on your prior consent.
The data collected is intended for the relevant departments of Bénédicte de Frondeville , and, where appropriate, its subcontractors and service providers. The subcontractors and service providers in question are subject to an obligation of confidentiality and may only use your data in accordance with our contractual provisions and the applicable legislation.

The term « Personal Data » refers to all the information, whether nominative or not, that can directly or indirectly identify the User.
This may include:
– those that the User has voluntarily provided to Bénédicte de Frondeville  when opening his/her Personal Account on the site Bénédicte de Frondeville

-those that the User will be required to transmit to Bénédicte de Frondeville subsequently in the context of the use of his/her Personal Account;

The term « processing » means any operation or set of operations performed or not performed using automated processes and applied to personal data or sets of data.


The identifiers and passwords, as defined by the User at the time of registration, or as possibly modified later by the User, are personal to the User. This information is strictly confidential. The User undertakes not to communicate them to third parties, and if necessary, he/she remains the sole master and responsible for the use that may be made of them.  Bénédicte de Frondeville  shall not be held liable for the use by a third party of these identifiers.
In case of loss, misappropriation or unauthorized use of his identifiers and passwords, the User must immediately inform  Bénédicte de Frondeville  which may block access to the Personal Account and/or give a new password in order to reconfigure the accesses.


Personal data may be retained for a period not exceeding 1 year from the last contact from you.

You have the ability to exercise your rights to access, rectify, delete, limit the processing of your data, object to the processing of your data, and request data portability. You can also set guidelines for the retention, deletion, and disclosure of your personal data after your death.

These rights can be exercised either by email addressed to: or by post to the attention of the Data Protection Officer (DPO) –   660 Quai de la Brigade du Languedoc, 30100 Alès accompanied by a copy of an identity document.

You may also file a claim with the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés – 3 place de Fontenoy – TSA 80715 – 75334 PARIS Cedex 07

In addition, if your telephone details have been collected by the data controller, you may register on the telephone canvassing opposition list provided for consumers by Article L. 223-1 of the Consumer Code


LThe Site has been designed to meet the needs of Users. It operates with cookies.
Cookies are data stored in the random access memory of the User’s computer that make it easier for the User to navigate the Site, and to view web pages.


Cookies are used for the purposes described below, subject to the choices that the User may express and modify at any time via the settings of the browser software used when browsing the Site.

The cookies issued on the Site allow:
– to use the functionalities of the Site and to access the services;
– to memorize the information relating to a form that the User has filled in on the Site (registration or access to his Personal Account) or the pages of products, services or information that the User has visited on the Site;
– to establish statistics and volumes of frequentation and use of the various elements composing the Site in order to allow  22Artm to improve the interest and ergonomics of the Site;
– to adapt the informational or promotional content of the Site according to the interests of the User and his supposed preferences, declared, or resulting from his navigation on the Site, and according to his place of connection to the Site.
– to display relevant advertisements based on your interests and to share this information with advertisers for this sole purpose


The User may object to the storage of  » cookies  » by configuring his/her computer according to the browser he/she uses. However, the deletion of cookies could prevent the User from browsing the Site properly and prevent access to some of its features.

Your browser’s help menu will tell you how to express or change your cookie preferences